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Is there any way to have individual logins so that each user can manage their own calendar only?

Hi, is there any way to have individual logins so that each user can manage their own calendar only? I have a group of 50 calendars but I need them to only manage their own only with a super admin available to manage them all.

Here's the SQL query to insert new user into the calendar database table 'pec_users' with user role as "user".

You would need to simply replace with some real user data. The password is encoded in MD5.

INSERT INTO `pec_users`
(`access_key`, `activated`, `admin_id`, `role`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `active_calendar_id`, `company`, `username`, `password`, `email`, `timezone`, `language`, `theme`, `kbd_shortcuts`, `created_on`, `updated_on`)
(NULL, 1, NULL, 'user', 'Joe', 'Blow', '0', 'Rand Corp', 'joeblow', md5('123456'), '', '+6', 'English', 'default', 1, NOW(), NOW());

Users will only see their own calendars.

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